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Monday, November 14, 2011

The First Dog

Brett, J. (1988). The First Dog. Illus. Jan Brett. South China, Hong Kong: South China Printing Co.,Ltd.

Annotation: Kip "the cave boy" discovers a friendly wolf that keeps him away from danger. The wolf follows him because he want to eat the ribs that they boy is carrying. The wolf has a great sense of smell and senses danger just in time for the cave boy to get away from the fierce Saber-toothed Cat. Kip and the wolf become close friends, wolf becoming "the first dog" in prehistoric times.

Genre: Fiction, Picture Book

Grade Level: K-4

Readers who will like this book: Children who enjoy learning about prehistoric times. Also children who have a close bond with their dog.

Questions: Do you think that you would have a pet dog in the pre-historic era?

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