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Monday, November 14, 2011

Llama Llam Mad at Mama

Bibliography: Dewdney, A. (2007). Llama Llama mad at Mama. New York: Viking.

Annotation: Llama was busy playing when his mom told him that it was Saturday and time to shop. Llama Llama was not happy at all. In the car ride he began to fall asleep and mom Llama had to wake him up. Momma Llama take him to get clothes and food at Shop-O-Rama. Llama Llama had a fit at the store and began kicking and throwing things out of the cart until momma Llama explains that she thinks shopping is boring as well but she is there with him. Momma Llama asks Llama Llama to help with the shopping instead. Finally they are done shopping and Llama Llama is back to loving his momma

Genre: Fiction/ Animal Fantasy

Grade: K-3

Readers: Readers that enjoy the Llama Llama series will really enjoy this book. Readers that are also beginning to learn how to read will also enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 10 I love the Llama Llama series. This book is especially cute and because I can relate to the story very well. I feel many kids will enjoy this book because they also find shopping borning.

Question: Do you like to go shopping with your parents? Have you ever gotten mad at your mom for making you go shopping?

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