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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Boy Who Cried Wolf!

Bibliography: Hennessy, B. G., & Kulikov, B. (2006). The boy who cried wolf. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

Annotation: This story is about a Shepard boy who is very bored. He is so bored that he tries to teach the sheep that he is watching how to do tricks. However the sheep were not interested in learning new tricks. So the boy ran into town yelling WOLF! WOLF! WOLF! All of the towns people rushed to pasture and searched and searched for the wolf however no wolf was to be found. The Shepard boy thought that was great fun. The next day he shouted WOLVES WOLVE, WOLVES!! Just like the day before the towns people ran up to the pasture to save the sheep. The next day however the Shepard boy heard lunch lunch lunch grrrrrr. Three wolves were standing in the pasture. The Shepard boy ran towards town yelling WOLVES WOLVES there are three wolves attacking my sheep! This time however no one from the town came and he was forced to look for his sheep by himself.

Genre: Fiction, Fable

Grade: K-3

Readers: Readers that enjoy fables and folktale stories will really enjoy this book. Other readers that would enjoy this book are ones that enjoy fractured fables and folktales.

Rate/Response: 9 I really enjoyed this book. The illustrations and the font of the literature mad the book a lot of fun for a reader. It was also nice to see some twists within the story.

Question: Have you heard of a story called the boy who cried wolf? What other story do we see a mean wolf?

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