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Monday, November 21, 2011

Little Red Riding Hood

Bibliography: Pinkney, J., Grimm, J., & Grimm, W. (2007). Little Red Riding Hood. New York, NY: Little, Brown.

Annotation: The story begins with the telling of red riding hood received her name from the town. It was because of her hood that her mother made her. She was instructed to bring her grandmother soup and muffins. Along the way she met the wolf. He asked her where her grandmother lived and followed her because that was the way that he was heading as well. The wolf suggested to Red that she collect so fire wood to warm her granny’s heart. Red did as the wolf suggested. The wolf then went to the grandmothers house and ate her up. Once red had arrived she asked the wolf many questions about his teeth and eyes. The wolf eventually ate red as well. A huntsman than walked into granny’s house and he slit open the wolf with his axe and saved granny and red.

Genre: Folktale/ Fiction

Grade: K-3

Readers: Readers that enjoy folktales will enjoy this book. Readers that also enjoy classic stories will also enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 3 I really did not like this book. I was hoping for twists and more for the book to be a fractured fairy tale rather than the original story. I was very disappointed with this book.

Question: Who has heard of little red riding hood? Do you think red riding hood was silly to talk to the wolf?

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