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Monday, November 21, 2011

Color Zoo

Bibliography: Ehlert, L., & Rossner, B. (1989). Color zoo. New York: J.B. Lippincott

Annotation: This book begins with a poem about the animals that can be found in a zoo and the shapes and colors that make them. The book then goes through various shapes that create animals. For example the first animal is a tiger, when you turn the page a circle is cut out. The next animal is a mouse and a square leaves the page. The next animal is a fox which has a triangle. The page that follows the fox has all of the shapes that were cut out of the pages. This repeats for many other animals and shapes. The final page has all of the shapes, animals, and colors that were used to make the color zoo.

Genre: Non-Fiction/Concept

Grade: Pre K- K

Readers: Readers that are learning their shapes and colors would love this book. Also readers that enjoy visual books would enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 8 This is a great beginner book for introducing shapes and in some aspects colors. Children relate a lot to animals and I think using the shapes with the animals works well for children

Question: What shapes do you know? Do you think we can draw some animals with the help of shapes?

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