Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Peppe The Lamplighter

Bartone, E. (1993). Peppe The Lamplighter. Illus. Ted Lewin. New York, NY: Lothrop. Lee and Shepard Books

Annotation: Peppe and his family were poor and he wanted to get a job to help out his family fulfill their dreams living in America. He gets a job as a Lamplighter and his father didn't approve of the profession he chose. Until one day his sister is missing and it is his job to find her by lighting all of the lights throughout the city so she can find her way home.

Genre: Historical Fiction, Picture Book

Grade Level: K-6

Children who will like this book: Anyone that knows of the struggles of being poor and having a dream and fulfilling it with determination and love for one's family.

Rating/Response: (4)- It is an inspirational book that shows hard work and dedication to work and family. The illustrations also helped tell the story with the beautiful detailed watercolors that were used.

Questions: Have you ever worked hard at something to gain approval from your family? How did that make you feel and why?

Awards: Caldecott Honor Book

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