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Monday, November 21, 2011

Just Plain Fancy

Bibliography: Polacco, P. (1990). Just plain fancy. New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books

Annotation: This story is a story about two young girls who grow up with their father in the Amish community. Naomi was searching for something fancy within her life with her younger sister Ruth by her side. Naomi found an egg in the chicken coop that was very different from the other eggs. The girls placed the egg in Henny’s basket. Once the eggs hatched they named the odd chick Fancy. The girls had then learned from their aunt that fancy is a bad thing within the Amish community. The girls then took their chick Fancy and hid him away so that he wouldn’t be shunned. Fancy escaped from hiding showed his big beautiful feathers to the elders. The girls were terrified at what would happen. However the elders were stunned with beauty and praised the girls for raising the peacock. Naomi then received the white organdy cap.

Genre: Fiction

Grade: K-3

Readers: Readers that enjoy books that involve something special or not similar to a group will enjoy this book. Readers who have Amish heritage and relatives will also enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 8 I really enjoyed this book. I feel it is a good cultural book for children. I also feel it is a good book to read when introducing the Amish culture to children as well.

Question: Do you have something that is fancy? Has anyone told you it is wrong to be different?

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