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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just a Minute: A Trickster Tale and Counting Book

Bibliography: Morales, Y. (2003). Just a minute: a trickster tale and counting book. San Francisco: Chronicle Books
Annotation: Grandma Beetle began her morning with a visit from Senor Calavera. Grandma Beetle was suppose to leave with Senor Calavera but she instead says she has one house to sweep. After that is completed Senor Calavera tells her that it is time to go. Grandma tells Senor just a minute. Grandma then goes through various chores with the numbers 1-8 in English and Spanish. Then 9 of her grandchildren come for dinner. With Senor Calavera the table is full with 10. It was grandma Beetle’s birthday and it was a day to celebrate. Grandma kissed her grandchildren goodbye and told Senor Calavera that she was ready to go. However Senor Calavera had already left but he left her a note saying he will be at her birthday party every year.
Genre: Fiction/ Counting Picture Book
Grade: K-3
Readers: Readers that are learning how to count in Spanish will love this book. Readers that are from a Spanish culture.
Rate/Response: 10 I really enjoyed this book. I really enjoyed the portion where the numbers were written in Spanish. The illustrations were also beautiful as well. I feel young readers will really enjoy this book.
Question: Can you count in Spanish? How high can you count in Spanish?

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