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Monday, November 21, 2011

Kitten's First Full Moon

Bibliography: Henkes, K. (2004). Kitten's first full moon. New York: Greenwillow Books.

Annotation: The story begins with kitten’s first full moon. The kitten saw the moon and thought it was milk and wanted it. Kitten closed her eyes and began to lick however she only caught a bug on her tongue. So the kitten tried to jump for the milk. She found herself on the floor with a pinched tail and a bump on her nose. So the kitten chased the bowl of milk all through the yard but she never reached the bowl. Kitten then climbed the tree and still could not reach the bowl of milk. Now she was a scared kitten. Kitten then saw the huge bowl of milk within the pond she raced down the tree and ran into the pond. Now she was wet, sad and hungry. So kitten ran home and on the porch was a giant bowl of milk.

Genre: Fiction/ Picture book

Grade: K-3

Readers: The readers that will enjoy this book are beginner readers. Other readers that will enjoy this book are readers that like to guess what happens next and solve problems.

Rate/Response: 10 I loved this book. I feel it is a great beginner book for children. The story is very cute along with the illustrations. I feel many kids will laugh and enjoy this book.

Question: What do kitten’s like to drink? What do you think the moon looks like?

Caldecott Winner

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