Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Umbrella

Brett, J.(2004). The Umbrella. Illus. Jan Brett. New York, NY: G.P. Putman's Sons

Annotation: Carlos goes for a walk in the rain forest with his green umbrella to see all the animals that live there. Much to his surprise he sees none of them. As he climbs a tree to see if he can find the animals of the rain forest, he leaves his umbrella behind. Little did he know that all of the animals thought that the umbrella would be a comfy place to spend the day.

Genre:Fiction, Picture Book

Grade Level: K-6

Readers who will like this book: Any child that enjoys the outdoors and animals.

Rating/Response: It is an adventurous story in to the rain forest. The main character Carlos, speaks Spanish and English throughout the book. It gives the reader a sense of diversity and a look in to a different culture and environment.

Questions: What kind of animals live in the rain forest? Have you ever traveled to a rain forest?

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