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Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late!

Bibliography: Willems, M. (2006). Don't let the pigeon stay up late!. New York: Hyperion Books for Children.

Annotation: Don’t let the Pigeon Stay up Late, is a book about a pigeon that wants to stay up late and your job is to make sure that he doesn’t. The pigeon argues with the reader that he is not sleepy and can stay up late. He mentions that he wants to have a hot dog party. He mentions counting the stars and even says his bunny wants to stay up too.

Genre: Fiction

Grade: K-3

Readers: Readers that enjoy Mo Willems books and the Pigeon series. Readers that also have read and enjoyed the Knuffle Bunny series will enjoy this book because the bunny makes an appearance within the book.

Rate/Response: 8 This book is very entertaining for young readers. I feel they would enjoy it because they want to stay up late like the pigeon and will argue with babysitters and parents so they are able to stay up late.

Question: Do you like to stay up late? Have you ever had the chance to stay up late?

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