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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Knuffle Bunny Free

Bibliography: Willems, M. (2010). Knuffle Bunny free: an unexpected diversion. New York: Balzer + Bray

Annotation: Knuffle Bunny Free, is Trixie’s final story with her precious bunny. Trixie and her parents go to Holland to visit her grandparents Oma and Opa. Trixie has a wonderful time on the plane and train to her grandparents. However once she arrives she gives her dad one look and he knows that Knuffle Bunny is missing. He calls the airport and explain that plane is on its way to China. Trixie’s parents explain to her that she is growing up and maybe she doesn’t need the bunny. Trixie tries her best to be happy and move on yet still it is very difficult for her until one night she has a dream about Knuffle Bunny’s adventures with other children and she begins to feel better. When she takes her seat on the plane to go home she notices something small in the pocket of the seat. There was her Knuffle Bunny. Trixie turns around to the crying baby behind her and asks the mother if her baby would like the bunny. Of course everyone is astonished. Trixie hands the baby Knuffly Bunny and everyone is happy. A few years later Trixie’s dad writes her a note saying how proud he is to watch her grow. When Trixie begins her family she receives a package from her dad and inside is Knuffle Bunny.

Genre: Fiction

Grade: K-4

Readers: Readers that like the series and Mo Willems books. Readers that have a special belonging that they had to part with.

Rate/Response: 10 I loved this book. This book is a really good book at teaching children how to become older with their decisions and letting go of something special to them.

Question: Has anyone every given up something that was important to them? Have you ever lost a special item on an airplane?

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