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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Brave Irene

Bibliography:. Steig, William. Brave Irene. New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1986

Annotation: This story is about a young girl who helps her sick mother out. Irene delivers a dress that her mother made to the duchess. Irene explains how the wind was powerful and ended up taking away the dress before she could reach the duchess. Irene faced many obstacles along the way but right before she reached the duchess’s home Irene finds the dress hanging on a tree. Irene delivers the dress to the duchess and explains her story to the duchess and her mother when she returns the next day.

Genre: Fiction

Grade Level: k-3

Readers: Children that like suspense and adventure

Rating: 6 this book is very courageous, and for a child has a lot of suspense and adventure. It also shows the kids to never give up.

Question: Have you ever had to take care of something really important? Have you ever felt like giving up?

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