Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

Brief Annotation:
Grade Level:
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Response/Rating (1-4):
One question you would ask before a read aloud:

Reading Strategies Connection:

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Amazing Bone

Steig, W. (1976). The Amazing Bone. Canada: HarperCollinsCanadaLtd.

Annotation: As Pearl, a pig, walks home from school she meets an unlikely friend. Once together, they run into robbers and a fox who wants to eat Pearl for dinner! Can Pearl and her new friend arrive home safely?

Genre: Storybook; fiction; animal fantasy

Grade Level: 1-4

Readers: Children who like talking animals, fiction stories, and dangerous adventures.

Rating/Response: 2; This story, though adventuresome, was a little disturbing. I think the fact that the object was a bone disturbed me the most, that could be a little scary to a younger audience.

Questions: Have you ever been in danger? How did you feel? Scared?

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