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Monday, December 12, 2011

Puff the Magic Dragon

Bibliography: Yarrow, P., Lipton, L., & Puybaret, E. (2007). Puff, the magic dragon. New York: Sterling Pub.

Annotation: This book is about Jackie Paper that has a dragon that is named Puff. Puff lives in Honalee. Jackie brought puff many items. Puff was a magic dragon that lived by the see he also frolicked in the autumn mist. Jackie and Puff took many adventures together. Kings and queens bowed to Jackie and Puff. One day Jackie no longer came to see Puff the magic dragon that lived by the sea. Poor Puff no longer good be brave and hid inside his cave. “Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea, and frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called Honalee.

Genre: Fiction / Picture audiobook

Grade: K-2

Readers: Readers that enjoy fantasy book will love this story. Readers that have also heard the song before will also enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 8 I really enjoyed listening to this story on my nook because I was able to see the pictures move and listen to a voice that was animated about the story. This new technology will be great for children learning how to read.

Question: Have you heard of a magic dragon. If you had a magic dragon what would you call him?

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