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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

King Midas

Philip, N. (1994). King Midas. Illus. Isabelle Brent. New York, New York: Little Brown and Company.

Brief Annotation: Back in the times of Ancient Greece there lived god and goddesses of all kinds. When a greedy king named Midus has a chance to ask one of the gods for anything in the world he knows exactly what to ask for. The great god Dionysus grants him with anything he touches will turn to gold. As soon as this happens, Midus realizes that having everything gold is not what he thought it would be. The question is will Dionysus take back what he has already granted.

Genre: Greek Myth

Grade Level: K-4

Readers who will like this: Any reader who is into greek mythology will love this book.

Response/Rating: 3; It was very entertaining and I loved the way they protrayed this myth for a younger audience to enjoy.

Question: Does anyone know what a myth is? What are some Greek gods you know about?

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