Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Reading Strategies Connection:

Friday, December 16, 2011


Bibliography: Sattler J. (2009). Sylvie. New York: Random House

Brief Annotation: This is a story about a young flamingo trying to figure out who she really is. Proving it true to the phrase “you are what you eat” Sylvie tastes many different things, in different colors to find out truly what she wants to be; a flamingo…with a little dessert.

Genre: Picture Book; Fiction

Grade Level: Pre- K thru 1

Readers Who Would Enjoy This: A few groups that may enjoy this book are first time readers, students/faculty that enjoy humor in a book, and lastly, why I picked up the book flamingo lovers.

Rating/Response: 4 – I rated this book a four because I thought it was extremely cute, and memorable. I found it to be memorable for its humor and originality. I also believe it is a great book for helping students that there are differences in this world when it comes to people, animals, and the characters that bring literature and film to reality; also this book was great for pre-k students learning colors, etc.

Question: What are some differences between humans and flamingos? Have you ever wished you were one of the colors of the rainbow?

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