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Friday, December 16, 2011

Llama, Llama Red Pajama

Bibliographic Information: Dedney, A. (2005). Llama, Llama Red Pajama. New York, New York. Penguin Books.
Annotation: Llama, Llama Red Pajama is a very funny book involving young Llama who does not want to go to bed. Llama, Llama finds many excuses for his Mama to come back upstairs but instead he waits and waits for his Mama.
Genre: Poetry. Picture Book.
Grade Level: Pre-K thru 3
Readers who would like this book: Readers who would enjoy this book are readers that may be afraid to go to sleep at night.
Rating/Response: 3—I really enjoyed the characters within this book. Avery creative animal to choose, it makes the book stand out because when do you ever see a llama as the main character. I think that this would be a great and helpful book for students who are afraid to leave their parents may that be when they go to school, go to bed at night, etc.
Question: How do you fall asleep at night? Are you ever afraid when your parents leave you?

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