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Friday, December 16, 2011

Edwina the Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She was Extinct

Bibliographic Info: Willems, M. (2006). Edwina the Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct. New York, New York. Hyperion Books for Children.
Annotation: Edwina is the dinosaur in town that everyone loves, well everyone except Reginald Von Hoobie-Doobie that is. Reginald knew everything about everything and he chose to try to convince the entire town that Edwina does not exist because she is in fact extinct. But no one would listen to him except… Edwina. Did Reginald finally convince someone that dinosaurs are in fact extinct?
Genre: Picture Book. Scientific Fiction.
Grade Level: Pre- K thru 2
Readers who would like this: Readers who would enjoy this book are readers that enjoy reading about science and readers who like to laugh while reading.
Rating/Response: 4—I really enjoyed this book I found it extremely funny, especially Reginald, he reminds me of my sister. I found this book extremely funny and creative. I also think that this book would be a great introduction to a dinosaur unit within a classroom.
Question: Do you believe that dinosaurs are extinct? Why?

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