Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Willy & Max : A Holocaust Story

Bibliographic Information: Littlesugar, A. (2006). Willy and Max : A Holocaust Story. Philomel Books.
Annotation: Willy’s dad owns an antique shop where Max’s dad bought a painting. Upon meeting the two boys became instant friends and were soon to become inseparable. That is until the Nazi’s would come and separate Max’s family from the rest taking everything they own, including the painting but through odd circumstances the boys remain friends.
Genre: Historical Fiction. Picture Book.
Grade Level: 3-5
Readers who would enjoy this: I don’t think that younger children would necessarily enjoy this book because of the subject, I believe it is a step too far but I think that it’s a great book for older children especially when/ for studying a Holocaust chapter in the classroom.
Rating/Response: 3—I think that this was a very educational book for students but it does bring up a tough subject especially for young students who may not understand the severity of the situation that was at hand.
Question: What do you know about the Holocaust?

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