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Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Day the Babies Crawled Away

Bio: Rathmann, R. (2003). The Day the Babies Crawled Away. Illus. Peggy Rathmann, New York, NY; G.P. Putnam's Sons

Annotation: The babies decide to go on an adventure together to curiously see what is beyond the fair without their mommies and daddies. They see butterflies and bees, frogs, bats and birds. As the day grows longer the babies get hungry and tired and begin to cry. Saving the day an older child brings them back to their parents. Hip Hip Hurray the crowd cheers knowing that their babies were safe and sound.

Genre:Rhyme, Fiction, Picture book

Grade Level: K-1

Readers who will like this book: Kids that like rhyming books

Response/Rating: (3) It was a fun book that used simple rhymes and a beautiful background with the sun going down.

Question: Have you ever been to a fair? What was it like?

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