Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Dear Mr. Henshaw

Bibliographic Information: Cleary, B. (1983). Dear Mr. Henshaw. Scholastic Books.
Annotation: This is a book that is written though a young man by the name of Leigh. He begins writing letters to his favorite author Mr. Henshaw religiously writing letter after letter. After numerous letters Mr. Henshaw writes him back stating that he should become a writer himself. We watch Leigh as he grows up and the changes that happen in his life. As you wonder through each and every letter, what will happen to Leigh?
Genre: Contemporary realistic fiction novel.
Grade: 2-5
Readers Who Would Enjoy: Readers that would enjoy this book are students that thoroughly enjoy reading in different forms the forms of letters are very unique especially for a short novel. It brings a new perspective, a realistic perspective to reading.
Rating/Response: 4 – I truly loved this book, I read it as a child but now having a chance to re-read it I love it that much more. I especially enjoy the letter form the book is written in. Walking through the changes of Leigh’s life for young readers gives them the opportunity to relate to a book more closely.
Question: Have you ever written a letter to an author or someone famous?

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