Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Sand Sister

Bibliographic Information: White, A. Morales, Y. (2003). Sand Sister. Barefoot Books.
Annotation: Sand Sister is the story of a young only child who dreams of being able to have someone to play with. One day while on a family trip to the beach she sees all the other siblings playing with each other so she draws her own sibling within the sand and to her surprise the drawing comes alive, but at the end of the day she must go back to the sea, How will the young girl live without her?
Genre: Picture Book. Realistic Fiction.
Grade Level: k-5
Readers who would like this: Children who are only children would enjoy this book especially if they are soon to get a new sibling. This book would be a great way to introduce your child to a new sibling you are telling them about.
Rating/Response: 3—I really enjoyed this book, it is extremely creative and you can see children actually doing this at the beach. The illustrations are beautiful and extremely rich in color; loved that. This would be a great book to introduce your children if you are expecting a new sibling to soon join the family.
Question: How many of you have a brother or a sister?

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