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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Red Riding in the Hood

Bio: Marcantonio, P. (2005). Red Ridin' in the Hood. Illus. Renato Alarcao. New York, NY: Douglas & McIntyre Publishing Group

Annotation: From a Hispanic American perspective a little girl goes to visit her sick grandmother. She packs up soup, heavy on the cilantro and pepper, takes the bus to Forest Street and comes across a Lobos, aka The Wolf in Spanish/English translation. "Red" the little girl talks to the Lobos and he convinces her to take her time getting her grandmothers house. Knowing what the wolf was up to something, she out smarted him a got him thrown in to jail for trying to kidnap her and her grandma.

Genre: Fiction, Folklore, Hispanic/American Culture

Grade Level: 5th-7th

Readers who will like this book: Kids that are learning about the Spanish culture and learning Spanish

Response/Rating: (4) I loved the twist on the Spanish-American way to tell the story about Little Red Riding Hood from a different culture standpoint. It was interesting on how the author used both Spanish and English throughout the story.

Question: Have you ever heard of the folk tale Little Red Riding Hood? What does Lobo mean in Spanish?

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