Book Documentation

Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hansel and Gretel

Bio: Grimm, J. (1980). Hansel and Gretel. Illus. Susan Jeffers. New York, NY; The Dial Press

Annotation: A traditional story by the Brothers Grimm. Hansel and Gretel are living in time of famine, leaving little food to eat and to survive. Abandoned in the forest by their father and stepmother, they stumbled across a house made of sweets. Little did they know that a wicked witch lived in the house of their dreams. Hansel and Gretel out smarted the witch when her plan was to eat them. Determined to make it back home they were then reunited with their father.

Grade Level:2-5

Genre: Fairytale

Readers who will enjoy this book: Kids who live fairytales and adventure.

Response/Rating: (2): It is a pretty intersting story. The language of the story is old, dating back to the 1900's.

Questions: Have you ever been lost? What would you do if you came across a house made of candy and sweets?

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