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Friday, December 16, 2011

And Tango Makes Three

BIBLIOGRAPHIC INFORMATION: Richardson, J. Parnell, P. (2005). And Tango Makes Three. New York, New York. Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing.
ANNOTATION: In the zoo there are many types of family. But Tango’s family was extremely different from the rest.
GENRE: Fiction.
GRADE: All Ages
READERS WHO WOULD LIKE THIS BOOK: Readers who would enjoy this book are readers who have a different type of family structure than the typical family or students with gay parents.
RATING/RESPONSE: 4 – Great book for children. Introduces children to a new type of family they may have never seen before. It would be great for a classroom that has a child with gay parents in it so the rest of the class can be introduced to the new form of family that will be more frequently seen in the future of different families.
QUESTION: How is your family different from other families in class?

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