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Friday, December 16, 2011

Skippyjon Jones in the Dog House

Bibliographic Information: Schachner, J. (2005). Skippyjon Jones in the Dog House. New York, New York. Scholastic Books.
Annotation: This is another funny adventure in the Skippyjon Jones series, a creative, imaginative Siamese cat with big dreams. While going on a new adventure Skippy finds himself in the dog house surrounded by vicious Chihuahuas. He must escape and find his way home, but how? How will he get home to Mama?
Genre: Picture Book. Rhyming.
Grade: Pre-K THRU 2
Who would like this: children who enjoy humor and have a big imagination.
Rating Response: 3—Although I am a fan of Skippyjon’s humor I often find myself confused while listening or reading his books, there are too many made up words within the pages which often makes the story hard to follow. But, I still love that little cat, he’s hilarious.
Question: Have you ever been in the dog house?

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