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Bibliographic Information (APA): Author last name, First initial. (Year published). Title in italics. Illus. Illustrator First Name Last Name. City published, State published: Publisher.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Heart's Delight

Bibliography: Nilsson, P., & Chace, T. (2003). Heart's delight. Asheville, N.C.: Front Street.

Annotation: This book begins with a description outside of an apartment in Sweden. The book then moves back and forth from a boy in his bedroom destroying multiple items to his meeting and experiences of Ann-Katrin. The boy meets her on a bus that he takes regularly on his way to school. The boy and Ann-Katrin begin a friendship that he takes and becomes obsessed with. He collects everything that she likes. When she enters his room he collects all of her red hairs. He also listens to a song constantly that reminds him of her. After the boy and Ann-Katrin explore their bodies together he must go to America for a month trip. While there he writes to her everyday explaining his love for her. When he comes home he notices Ann-Katrin has been with another boy. This greatly upsets him to the point he is alone in his room and planning on killing himself until she calls on Saturday night. When she finally does call you just he does not answer the phone he just says “I love you”.

Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction

Grade: 10th-12th

Readers: Readers that will enjoy this book are readers that enjoy dark, love, and obsessive books. Other readers that may enjoy this book are readers that enjoy coming of age books.

Rate/Response: 5 This book was very disturbing not only by the creepy story but also by the style it was written in. I find this book very inappropriate for a Middle School level. I found myself left hanging at the end and very frustrated with the book. The cover of the book is also mildly inappropriate as well.

Question: Have you ever been in love? Has a loved one caused you pain?

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