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Monday, December 5, 2011

Not my Dog

Bibliography: Rodowsky, C. F., & Yezerski, T. (1999). Not my dog. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux

Annotation: A young girl named Ellie is obsessed with getting her own puppy. She talks to her mom sister and classmates about all of the wonderful things she is going to do when she gets her very own puppy. Ellie’s great aunt however is moving from her home into an apartment and is not able to take her dog Preston. Her aunt asks Ellie’s parents if she is able to take care of her dog because she has wanted a puppy for so long. However Ellie was not keen on taking this dog because this dog was brown square boring dog and not a puppy. It isn’t until her parents discuss getting rid of Preston that she decides that he really is her dog after he found her when she was lost, and when he protected her from the scary movie and when he played games with her in the backyard. Ellie finally accepts that Preston is indeed her dog.

Genre: Fiction/ Realistic Animal Story

Grade: 4-6

Readers: The readers that will enjoy this book are readers who are beginning to read chapter books. Readers that also enjoy reading stories about animals will also enjoy this story as well.

Rate/Response: 7 This book is very cute and very appropriate for a young reader that is learning how to read a chapter book. The book is very simple for a reader but also challenging when needed. Overall cute story would not recommend this book to all readers.

Question: Have you ever wanted something but received something else? Who has a dog? Who as a puppy?

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