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Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Pig Day!

Bibliography: Willems, M. (2011). Happy Pig Day!. New York: Hyperion Books for Children

Annotation: Piggie comes up to Gerald the elephant and tells him all about Pig Day. Piggie tells him that they can eat pig food, play pig games, sing pig songs, dance pig dances and oink like a pig. However Gerald feels left out when all of Piggie’s friends arrive. After Gerald has left Piggie wanders off to find him. Gerald says he sorry he has big ears, a trunk and he is gray. Gerald yells at Piggie that he is not a pig. He feels very sad because he wants to say happy pig day in pig but he cannot. Piggie then explains that happy pig day is not just for pigs it is for anyone who loves pigs. All of Piggie’s friends take off their heads and you see other animals. Gerald then exclaims with OINK OINK OINK HAPPY PIG DAY!!

Genre: Fiction

Grade: Pre-K – 1st

Readers: Readers that enjoy Mo Willems books will love this book. Readers that are beginning to read and are also fans of Elephant and Piggie books will also enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 10 I love this book. This book is great for discussing various holidays and introducing literature to beginning readers.

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