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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Basball Saved Us

Bibliography: Mochizuki, K., & Lee, D. (1993). Baseball saved us. New York: Lee & Low.

Annotation: A young boy is in a Japanese camp in the United States during World War Two. While they are there his father teaches him about baseball. Before he was placed in camp he was always the last one to be picked for school activities. Until Pearl Harbor happened then the boy and his family was taken to a camp in the west. There was a lot of turmoil among the families in the camp and that is when the boy’s father decides they need baseball. Everyone in camp came together in creating parts of the field and the uniforms to play. The whole camp played baseball for their duration. The boy then is forced to go back to reality. He is considered an outcast until he makes an outstanding hit on his baseball team.

Genre: Non-Fiction

Grade: K-3

Readers: The readers that will enjoy this book are readers that enjoy inspirational stories. Other readers that will enjoy this book are ones who enjoy books about sports.

Rate/Response: 7 I enjoyed this book it is a very inspiring book for young readers. It also has a little bit of cultural history to the book as well.

Question: What is your favorite sport?

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