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Sunday, December 4, 2011

and Tango makes Three

Bibliography: Richardson, J., & Parnell, P. (2011). And Tango Makes Three. New York, N.Y.: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Annotation: The story begins about the zoo in central park. There are various families that live within this zoo. Every year the girl penguins meet with the boy penguins and they become a couple. However in there were two boy penguins that became a couple. Their names are Roy and Silo. These two penguins did everything together. Roy and Silo watched the other penguins and all of their babies grow. Roy and Silo even made a nest for their egg. But there was no egg. Roy found something that looked like an egg and Silo sat and sat. Then Roy sat and sat. But nothing happened. Mr. Gramzay found an egg that needed a home and gave it to Roy and Silo. Roy and Silo took very good care of the egg. Until one day it hatched. Tango was born. She was the first penguin at the zoo to have two dads.

Genre: Non-Fiction

Grade: K-5

Readers: Readers that enjoy reading stories about various families will enjoy this book. Also readers who enjoy reading books about animals and the zoo will also enjoy this book.

Rate/Response: 10 I love this book. It has become one of my favorite books I think it is an excellent book to begin introducing various families to students.

Question: What makes up a family? Can someone have two daddies or two mommies?

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