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Friday, December 9, 2011

The Wild Christmas Reindeer

Bibliography: Brett, J. (1990). The wild Christmas reindeer. New York: Putnam

Annotation: Teeka was asked by Santa to get the reindeer ready to fly on Christmas Eve. Because she had never done it before she wanted it to be perfect. Everyone was getting ready for Christmas and Teeka had to go gather up the reindeer to begin training at winterfarm. When she found them she shouted at them to move and get into the barn. The reindeer let her herd them to the barn however Tundra was not too happy because he is the leader and prefers to be next to Twilight. Teeka then placed them into their stalls. The next morning however the reindeer were restless and were making a fuss at each other. Teeka then brushed and groomed each reindeer until their ears started to turn pink. When she brought them out for training they did not want to corporate. The next day during flying practice the reindeer were not in the right order and collided with each other. Teeka yelled at them and this just made things worse. Eventually all of the reindeer’s antlers were tangled. Teek then cried and apologized for yelling at them. The antlers unhooked and Teeka took them to the barn and gently groomed the reindeer. The reindeer and Teeka practiced hard the following day and were ready for Santa to deliver presents on Christmas Eve.

Genre: Fiction

Grade: K-3

Readers: The readers that will enjoy this book are ones who enjoy Jan Brett books. Others that will enjoy this book are children that enjoy stories about Christmas.

Rate/Response: 10, this book is very cute and great for a bedtime story. This book is also good for children to learn that they need to learn to corporate with others in order for something to be accomplished. Great story and illustrations

Question: Do you like it when people yell at you to do something? If someone yelled at you to do something would you do it?

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